Rasa Adaptogen Koffee Rose Latte
Rasa Koffee is an amazing blend of 7 adaptogen herbs, 2 mushrooms and probiotics. It is so good for us and feels great in the body!
Expand and Thrive in your Yoga Practice.
To fully thrive in our lives, we need to cultivate growth by expanding our experience beyond what is familiar.
Illuminating Reflection
Does everything that we experience reflect our own truth?
Breathing Into your Heart Space for ReAlignment
Follow your breath into your heart space meditation.
A Few of my Favorite Things
Do we need to add things to our yoga practice? Nope. We can pause and breathe and move and become more aligned with our best internal, centered, brilliant self all on our own. If we can add useful and pretty things to really enjoy this process with extra delight, I always say YES!
Practice: Finding & Returning to Center
We practice being patient, we practice being kind, we practice being humble, we practice being grateful. We embody our strength and our softness. We find our center. And it is from there that we live. Almost always or at least frequently. And when we forget….oh, how lovely, how life saving, to be able to recognize that we have simply lost our center and there is a an accessible way back. It works. Especially when you practice. It really really works.
The Art of Unplugging
The art of unplugging. Why and how to unplug using the cord cutting technique.
Calm is a Superpower
OMG… Inhale and exhale… Ahh, that’s better. Take a seat. Get grounded. Connect to source. Breathe and find your place in this balance. Now, stretch out on your yoga mat and practice. Try conscious breathing, either seated or with movement. I’ll be your guide.