by Robin Penney | Nov 26, 2017 | cornerstone
The YOGI props & gift guide is here! Does the practice of yoga require extra things? Actually, it doesn’t, but it is really really great if you can practice on a quality yoga mat and delve into your practice with all the comforts of yoga props that are the right...
by Robin Penney | Oct 1, 2017 | cornerstone
Finding and Returning to Center and in that, living in Love. AKA utilizing our great ability to lose our center to find it again. Consistency. This is why we have a home practice. Consistency in understanding the optimal way that we feel. In understanding the...
by Robin Penney | Aug 29, 2017 | cornerstone
The art of unplugging. Why and how to unplug using the cord cutting technique. The longing to “unplug” is a signal from our consciousness that we might be leaking out our valuable life-force and that it is time to regroup. To come to our center and let go of the...
by Robin Penney | Jun 27, 2017 | cornerstone
OMG… Now, inhale and exhale…inhale, exhale… Ahh, that’s better. Take a seat. Get grounded. Connect to the lightness of source energy through your breath. Continue to breathe and find your place in this balance between being grounded in all the details...