Finding Peace in 10 (Mini Course)
Make the time to access your Peace.
It’s there… yes, it is.
You: sign up for the class and create time on your calendar
I Will: Send you a class to your inbox every day for Ten Days
You: Find a simple rhythm to access all that peace you have inside
I Will: support you finding peace via wonderful yogic methods
You: Move forward brighter and more in harmony with yourself!
Finding Peace in 10
10 Days, 10 minutes a day, $10
Day 1: Pause
Day 2: Breathe
Day 3: Move
Day 4: Attitude
Day 5: Forgiveness
Day 6: Rituals
Day 7: Eating & Drinking like a Yogi
Day 8: Outlook and Output
Day 9: Purpose
Day 10: Sit

This course will leave you feeling peaceful, brighter, and more in harmony with yourself through yogic practices I’ll share with you.

About Jodi Earls
Jodi is a student & teacher of yoga; striving to make the basics of yoga easily accessible to all for balance and ease.
(c) Copyright 2018 Jodi Earls Yoga. All rights reserved.
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